
Censor Board exonerated from online leakage, clear evidence of tampering at post production

2 Aug 2016

The Censor Board Of Film Certification (CBFC) this week submitted "hard and irrefutable" evidence to the police indicating their innocence in the matter of online piracy.

A source from the CBFC on condition of anonymity reveals, " Great Grand Masti which was leaked online had a running time of 133 minutes when it came to the CBFC. The length remained 133 minutes when the film went to the Film Certificate Appellate Tribunal, or the Tribunal, as it is called. After the Tribunal censored the film the length of Great Grand Masti came down to 127 minutes. But when the film was leaked online the playing time was 134 minutes. Display cards during the opening credits flashing the film's media partners, that were not there when the film was submitted for censor certification, were added on in the leaked version. Also post-production including background music was incomplete when the film was submitted to the CBFC and the Tribunal. However the version leaked online was fully edited and with background music, missing in the censor copy." So how does this CBFC source explain the ticker 'censor copy' marked in the online copy of Great Grand Masti ? "Obvious the 'censor copy' declaration was added to the pirated copy to mislead the law. But we've now submitted all evidence. The cops now need to investigate why a longer version of Great Grand Masti than the one submitted to the censors was leaked online."